It's time to heal and expand.

In the middle of Difficulty,
lies Opportunity

The Nervous System + Trauma Healing

Fight-or-Flight Response

During a traumatic event, the nervous system prepares the body to deal with immediate danger. If trauma is ongoing or unresolved, the nervous system gets stuck in this hyper-aroused state, leading to chronic stress, anxiety, and difficulty feeling safe.

Emotional Regulation

When you experience trauma, the nervous system can become dysregulated, making it harder to manage your emotions effectively. This leads to strong emotional reactions, triggers, or even emotional numbness.

Implicit Memory

Trauma can be stored in the implicit memory system, which is non-verbal and holds onto emotional memories from the event. The nervous system can react to triggers associated with the trauma, even if the conscious mind isn't aware of it. 

Window of Tolerance

This is your comfortable range of emotional and physical states. Trauma can shrink this window, making it harder to cope with even minor stressors. Neuro-somatic work helps to expand your window of tolerance by teaching you nervous system regulation techniques.

My Areas of expertise

Stress + Anxiety

Depression +Trauma

Prolonged Relational Stress



True Change Begins and Ends with

the Nervous System

The Wound is the place

where the Light enters you

She who overcomes her Fears

will truly be Free

The Body

keeps the Score


“Viviane gives me space to be vulnerable. Her somatic techniques helped me stay grounded through the last couple of stressful weeks. It’s been so great having her in my corner.”